Mike Firth



About Mike

Mike has worked within the farming community in the Wairarapa since he was 15 years old. In the last 20 years Mike has worked his way up from Shepherd to Farm Manager, when in 2015 he went out on his own, leasing a 640-hectare sheep and beef property on the Southern East coast of the Wairarapa. He has carried on building this business up to the 1800-hectare operation it is presently where he lives with his wife and three young children.

Mike is a committed community man and aspiring JAB rugby coach! In his spare time, he enjoys diving, taking his kids hunting and relaxing with friends and family.

Mike has always enjoyed and been passionate about agriculture and jumped at the opportunity to work with a specialist and reputable rural real estate company where he could combine his hands-on experience and wealth of knowledge in the business of farming with the NZR team's proven history of providing market leading results for their clients.

If you’re thinking of selling your farm, give Mike a call - have a farmer sell your farm!



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Thinking of selling?

Get an appraisal. We will determine a value range for your property based on the local market trends, statistics and our knowledge.